- Maybe I'll start to feel better soon.
- Is it truly worth exposing myself to something else like the flu or a stomach bug?
- What if the ER doctor has a horrible bedside mannerism and thinks that the GP is "just in my head" or that I'm seeking medical attention or better yet, prescription drugs.
- How much is this ER visit going to cost?
The majority of the time, I will just stay home and sip on Gatorade. At times, I have been so weak that I could barely walk to the bathroom. I will experience blacking out episodes, increased pulse rates, nausea, passing out and let's not forget the dehydration headaches that last for DAYS. The whole experience is awful.

Currently it is only available in an orange flavor but more flavors are being developed. Personally, I was not a fan of the orange flavoring. The taste of Speedlyte kind of reminded me of a prescription colon prep or Miralax. It has a salty taste to it. Whenever I'm really dehydrated and miserable, I'm going to pretty much drink whatever. At times like that, suddenly I am not so picky. I just want to feel better. There are no artificial ingredients and it has 46% less sugar than the leading oral rehydrating solutions.
As always, discuss with your doctors what will work best for you before trying something new and different. Use your own discretion. After all, I'm not a doctor and we're all individuals who have different bodies and systems. What works for me, may not work for you. I have linked the company's website below with all of the information regarding Speedlyte. If you have any questions regarding their product, contact them and ask. Their customer service is great. You can contact them and they will send you some samples to try. Who doesn't like a sample?! I have also provided a couple of links where Speedlyte can be purchased.
I am not a doctor. I am a gastroparesis patient. This is not a sponsored post. I was not paid for my opinions on this product. Please use at your own discretion.
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