Generally speaking at our house, two types of meals are usually fixed. My husband has "his food" and I eat my "GP friendly food". Our daughter's meal is usually a combination of the two of our meals. She's currently in her "toddler pickiness" phase which is perfectly okay. Regardless, she gets a variety of food options to help broaden her palette. Looking back over my life, I have come to realize that I wasted so much time being picky and close minded about food. If I could have one redo, it would be that, to be less picky and open to different foods.
Some nights when it is time for me to decide what I'm going to eat for dinner, well let's be honest; it is more like "What can my stomach handle tonight?" As I stated before, no two days are the same with GP. I have good days where my diet isn't so limited and other days where I can handle just a few types of food. On those rough days for me personally, it is about getting something into my stomach to help me get through the evening. I'm usually not looking for what is the healthiest option or most nutritious. I'm just looking for something that is easy and quick. It's real life and in the moment. We're all individuals who are in different places and situations in life. What works for you, may not work for me so let's please be opened minded.

MorningStar Farms Chik'N Nuggets
I am not able to properly digest chicken. It always gets stuck in my GI tract which results in it barely moving through. I discovered these vegetarian nuggets. I really like the taste of the Chik'N Nuggets especially when I use a type of sauce to dip them in. I have the option of baking them in the oven or putting them in the microwave. Either way, I feel like I am getting some type of "meat" with my meal without the repercussions of truly eating meat. MorningStar Farms offers a broad selection of meatless meal food options.
Uncle Ben's Ready Rice

For years now, whether it was during a flare up, after a surgery or after giving birth to my daughter, I would eat the takeout Japanese rice flavored with shrimp/Yum-Yum and soy sauces. It was one of my all time safe foods. It occurred to me one day to just use this Original rice along side of my sauces and I had QUICK and easy Japanese takeout rice without having to leave my house or exert a lot of time or energy. As we all know, some days you just have to conserve your energy.
$$ Here is a coupon I found on the company's website. $$
Who doesn't like saving money?
Campbell's Condensed Soup : Chicken and Stars
$$ Here is a link for a coupon that was found on the company's website. $$
So there are a few of my quick and easy go to foods that are safe foods for me to eat on those rough, real life days. I'd love to hear what some of your safe foods are!
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