Over the past year, I have struggled with what to write. As the year past, I realized that as a mom, I had good days and bad days. Days when everything went amazingly well and then there were days when nothing seemed to go as planned. Some days I would be exhausted from lack of sleep and other days my health would leave me feeling horrible. I realized that I am not the only one who deals with this. There are so many women out there who have gastroparesis and are moms just like myself.

Motherhood is not a job where you can call in and take the day off. Don't get me wrong, motherhood is the best thing I have ever experienced but it is hard at times. As moms, we have to keep going and pushing. Something I have tried to do each day is spend some time doing a devotion. Throughout the past year, I have found so much encouragement and strength. I thought today that I would share some of the Bible verses that have meant a lot to me this past year.
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