I went Friday for my biopsy at the hospital. I had to go to the OR for this biopsy which was perfectly fine with me; I didn’t want to be awake for this procedure anyway. The anorectal manometry was enough for me to endure while beginning awake.
My surgeon had me prep/clean out before the procedure and I was NPO (nothing by mouth) after midnight so I was leaning on the dehydrated side. My veins are horrible to find when I am hydrated so I knew before I got there that they were in for it when it came time for my I.V.s. The lady who was doing my I.V. couldn’t find anything good in my arms and hands except for this one vein in my arm. She tried and the of course the vein blew. She asked where they last got the vein at and I’m thinking you’re not touching my feet, I’m sorry! Well she did. This is no joke, I laid there and prayed that there would be no veins in my feet because my feet are so ticklish and frankly I.V.s in my feet hurt really, really bad. She couldn’t find any veins in my feet!
About that time my surgeon and anaesthesiologist came in and decided that they could do the procedure with me awake. No way was that going to happen!! I told the anaesthesiologist that I needed to be put under; who wants to be awake during that? I didn’t. During this the nurse had been looking at a vein on my neck so they decided that they would use laughing gas to put me under and the gas would dilate my veins as well. They would use the vein on my neck for my I.V.s then they would switch over to general anesthesia. It sounded great to me, I was going to be put under, I was happy.
I did get to see the OR. I’ve always wanted to see that hospital’s OR. In my previous surgeries, I’ve got to see the ORs and even move myself onto the operating table believe it or not. I loved that part of the surgery, getting to see all the medical side of it. I’ve got to see my appendix and I have a slide of my gallbladder. I remember the OR and everything that was going on until I got the laughing gas, on the third inhalation I was out. I woke up in recovery and spent some time there receiving Zofran, Phenergan and some type of pain medication. The patch that gave me for nausea didn’t help like it has in the past when coming out of surgery.
We live around an hour from that hospital. Whenever my dad had his colon surgery, he said that was the longest ride home. Friday I understood that statement. The ride home after surgery may be one of things I dread the most.
The past few weeks my GP has had its ups and downs. I’ve been getting full relatively quick I’ve noticed. At lunch when drinking my Special K Protein Shakes, after finishing one, I feel almost too full and miserable at times. I’ve been dealing with headaches from not eating enough… imagine that. At work in the afternoons, I try to snack on something whether I’m hungry or not just to get the calories in. The magnesium citrate last night whipped me. I kept waking up during the night and I felt like it was coming up (GAG!), I was cold and hot all at the same time - it was just wrong! This morning when I woke up I felt like jello -that’s not a good way to start to your day. You should feel like you’ve slept. Cleaning out is exhausting.
I go see my gastroenterologist next Wednesday and we’re talking about some type of port or something where I don’t have to be poked all throughout my surgery. I’ve got all of my things on my “To Do Before Surgery List” accomplish so I’m content. I’ve got a Netflix subscription so lately with the heat, I’ve been inside in the recliner watching movies and reading magazines. I LOVE the heat, the hotter the better. However I’ve noticed the hotter it gets, the more uncomfortable my GI tract gets.
Congrats on not having Hirschsprung's!
ReplyDeleteI had the manometry done a while back and it was really incredible, wasn't it? I couldn't believe I had to be awake throughout that. I actually couldn't stop laughing, as it was just such a bizarre procedure.
I'm comforted to hear others with GP have lower GI problems too. I haven't heard this often and was told by my GI doc that it's not connected. But it just seems strange--after all, the GI tract is obviously all connected. My colon is paralyzed up to 98% in places and it's hard to believe all of these things are separate.
I'm fascinated by your surgery and wish you the best of luck. Netflix will probably continue to be your friend :)
Hey CAH!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much! Yes, the manometry was marvelous, wasn't it? That is so funny that you laughed through the procedure. Hey - at least you have a sense of humor and outlook on life. 98% paralyzed, I am really sorry. I'm guessing you are well acquainted with the whole cleaning out process.
Many GP hugs!
P.S. Yes, Netflix has become a must at my house ;)
ReplyDeleteI have to say--I nearly broke into tears when I went into the manometry procedure room and we started. It was really terrible, especially considering how sick I already felt. I don't know if I've ever felt so invaded and humiliated, you know? I think what got me laughing was how totally awkward I felt and how totally bored the doctor and technicians seemed. And I had a new tech who was observing her very first manometry test out of nursing school. The looks on her face were priceless!
Did you do the balloon expulsion test? That was the icing on the cake, so to speak, and had me laughing for days. It was beyond ridiculous! My nurse led me down the hallway like a dog on a leash with the balloon and catheter and sat me on a toilet with a stopwatch and said: "Are you ready to poop? Okay... GO!" She looked so excited for me as the timer started. She even yelled: "YOU CAN DO IT!" How could you NOT laugh in such a situation? I almost fell off, laughing so hard. I still giggle thinking about it, despite the whole day being extremely painful for me (physically) and needing to be hospitalized the next day.
I did a little bit of biofeedback after the manometry which is supposed to have horrible success rates but it helped me quite a bit. Don't know if it was suggested to you. My doc said not to bother with it--that it wouldn't help someone like me--but I'm so glad I gave it a chance. He'd chalked me up as "hopeless" but I'm able to *ahem* use the restroom just about every day for the last year or so. Since infancy, I'd had crippling constipation, going up to 6 weeks with nothing at my worst.
Sorry if that was all TMI!
Good luck Jennifer. I look forward to reading more about your journey. Be strong!
ReplyDeleteCongrats and good luck! You are on your way...keep me posted via email on how you are doing! CAH, my thoughts and prayers are with you as well! My father has GP and this debilitating illness is no one's friend. He will not ever be doing the anal manometry again...his words...not mine.